
The INFOLDing: Your Mindful Guide for Experimenting Through a Life you Love

by Elayna Spratley

INFOLD Studios is a dynamic design and mindfulness agency focused on helping leaders design the future of work for their employees and support individuals with crafting a life experience aligned with their values. Sign up for our monthly newsletter, The INFOLDing, your mindful guide for experimenting through a life you love to inspire daily curiosity and intentionality.

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SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... Last month, I focused on noting the pleasurable words, activities, and people that I interacted with. Read the last issue for more details on the Pleasure Experiment. Through this experiment, I learned that pleasurable words are what I notice and enjoy the most. I add to my pleasure word list almost daily and am inspired to share many of the gifted and intuitive phases on my Threads and concepts in my Medium posts. During the Pleasure Experiment, I Realized: People...

24 days ago • 9 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... Last month, I focused on sending unprompted notes of appreciation or encouragement to my friends and family (see the last issue for details on the Empowerment Experiment). Every few days, I'd let someone know why they inspire me or why I appreciate them for existing. During the experiment, I noticed: Spreading love never gets old: It feels great to spread love. It feels amazing to send detailed notes of appreciation regularly. After a few days, I turned some of my...

2 months ago • 8 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I've been curating my internal chatter. The Be Present experiment from the last issue: had me narrating my observations making sounds internally responding to my experience showering the moment with gratitude through a stream of thoughts All three techniques proved to help make me more present. My favorite of the trio is the stream of gratitude for every detail of my life. I'm amazed at how easy it is to do this at any time, any place. After a week of doing this...

4 months ago • 7 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I've been listening for divine instruction on how I might bring more peace to the world. In my bedtime wind-down, I tuned into my emotional state each night. If I was distant from peace, I took a 3-minute breathing pause. Then, I journaled how I chose to share peace to the world. In the morning, I asked, "How can I share peace with the world?". I was listening for divine guidance. See the experiment instructions in detail in the last issue. This practice was...

4 months ago • 7 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I've been fully immersed in the gratitude experiment. As often as I could remember, I would say,"This is good," in every situation I found myself in. I would say it aloud and pause to observe my intuitive response (you can review the complete instructions in the last issue). Overall, I noticed a subtle yet profound change in my life experiment. The painful sting that would come up when I was disappointed or things didn't go as expected lasted shorter than it has in...

5 months ago • 6 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I've been pacing myself and giving myself grace. A few weeks back, I overworked myself; I did one too many all-nighters in a row and triggered a series of migraines that lasted for a week and a half. Have you ever overworked yourself to the point of injury or exhaustion? This experience gave me a more profound empathy for those who have daily chronic pain. Now that the migraines have ceased, I deeply appreciate feeling peaceful in my body and doing what I can to...

6 months ago • 4 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... My meditations are now on the Insight Timer App! I'm excited to announce that I'm officially a teacher on Insight Timer! Insight Timer is the top-rated free meditation app with the world's most extensive library of more than 180k guided meditations. This has been one of my goals since the start of 2023, and it feels incredible to have a platform where my meditations can be shared with a broader audience. If you don't have the app, consider getting it so you can...

7 months ago • 4 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I'm excited to announce my new video series, Relax & Remix. The first episode includes my experiment update for the last issue on grace; learn all about my experience at 5:02. I didn't write my update this week. Sometimes, ya girl likes to talk, lol; those who know me will probably laugh right now. 😆 They know I love to talk. Don't worry; the video is pretty brief. Find a nice spot to relax or take a quick walk and listen to it like a podcast. And wait, there's...

8 months ago • 3 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I allowed myself to be fully present with the joy I experienced from moment to moment. (Details on how to do the Joy experiment). It was interesting to see how my focus went from milestone experiences : "I see you, joy! I rocked that meeting with my client!" To what might be considered more simple experiences: "I am grateful that my slow mornings allow me the time to see this sunrise." One of my favorite daily practices is pausing to take in the beauty of the...

8 months ago • 2 min read

SINCE THE LAST INFOLDing... I wrote a heartfelt why letter to myself as recommended in the allow experiment and read it each night before I closed my eyes and again when I arose. What a difference this practice made! I read it silently a few times, and midway through the week, I proudly began to state it out loud. Saying it out loud is the key! Hearing my voice declare these promises helped me to cement them more in my mind. Every so often during the week, a line or two comes to mind right...

9 months ago • 2 min read
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