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Evolve Intentionally:
Monthly Insights & Experiments

Hey There! I'm Elayna Spratley, INFOLD Studios Founder and Chief Visionary Officer.

I've been a Design and Mindfulness Coach for a decade, creating product and belonging experiences at Fortune 100 companies like IBM and Cisco Systems.

In January 2023, I left my corporate role to rest, reset, and create INFOLD Studios, a dynamic design and mindfulness agency that helps individuals, teams, and organizations get unstuck and move forward with deep understanding through data and experimentation.

My goal is to help my clients evolve intentionally and thrive!

Evolve Intentionally is my monthly collection of learnings and awarenesses I gained through experiments, questions, and observations.

When you subscribe, you will receive a free gift: "From Autopilot to Appreciation," a mindful guide to living life more fully.

See you in the next issue!

Be well + Breathe deep 🙏🏾

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